2023 Maher Family Toy Drive

Raised So Far: $11,435.00

Fundraising Goal: $12,000.00

Join us to help kids through a virtual toy drive

Team Roster Amount Raised

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Virtual Toy Drive 2023-2024

2019 Toy Drive Delivery
2019 Toy Drive Delivery

2023 Maher Family Toy Drive

22 years in, and with your help, we have donated over $100,000 in toys and gifts for Boston Children's Hospital. This all started in 2001 when TD called Child Life Services who helped us so much that year when David had two of his three open heart surgeries. We wanted to give back and asked if there were any families that needed some help for Christmas. I put some cookies together and TD did some quick shopping and drove in on Christmas Eve to deliver the gifts. That was our first of many trips over the years.

One year we donated an iPod to a boy who had his stolen. Another year was a family from New Jersey whose child was rushed to Children's unexpectedly. All of the toys for their kids were still back home. There was a year that David was so excited to dress up as Santa for the delivery. 

The toy drive has changed to a virtual toy drive. Donations you make will be used to support the children and families at Boston Children's Hospital. Your donation will help ensure the holidays are celebrated to the fullest of the fullest at the hospital, with gifts for each patient, virtual Santa visits, and other special moments and urgent needs throughout the season. With your help, parents and caregivers will be able to focus on what matters most: helping their child heal. 

Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation today. Any amount helps bring joy to patients and families at Boston Children's, where breakthroughs have saved millions of children.

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