Support Heidi Kassner Yoga
Yoga Reaches Out | May 4, 2025
Raised So Far: $863
Fundraising Goal: $1,000
Join us to help kids
Team Roster Amount Raised
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Proin commodo vulputate risus. Quisque in urna. Proin faucibus, arcu quis cursus suscipit, tortor nulla aliquet diam, quis mattis dolor mauris et nisl. Phasellus vehicula eleifend urna. Morbi auctor orci eu lacus. Fusce gravida sollicitudin est. Nulla facilisi. Duis sed metus. Vivamus cursus accumsan orci. Nullam cursus dapibus lectus. Donec consequat enim non dolor. Aliquam a dui non ipsum convallis rutrum. Aenean fermentum. Mauris fringilla ligula id dolor.
Heidi Kassner Yoga
Join Team Heidi Kassner Yoga for Yoga Reaches Out 2025!
I am beyond excited to lead our team once again for Yoga Reaches Out, now in our 4th year together! This year we have an exciting new venue — The TRACK at New Balance in Boston (91 Guest Street, Boston, MA 02135) — and I get to practice with all of you the entire day! It's going to be an incredible day filled with yoga, community, and giving back.
As many of you know, yoga is my passion, and Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) holds a very special place in my heart. BCH saved my son Ari’s life when he was just 13 days old and continues to provide him with ongoing care and support as we navigate life with Congenital Heart Defects. This will be my 6th year participating in this wonderful event, and I am incredibly honored to lead Team Heidi Kassner Yoga, one of the biggest teams in both donation amounts and participant size!
The energy, spirit, and generosity of our team have always been extraordinary. Every year, we work together to make a big impact, and I know we can do it again! I can’t wait to see everyone wearing our amazing new team shirts and fundraising for such an important cause.
Many of you have personal connections to BCH, and I love hearing all your reasons for why you participate. Having a child who received life-saving surgery and continues to rely on BCH’s expertise, I know firsthand the power of their care. I’m deeply grateful to be able to contribute in a way that combines my love for yoga with my gratitude for the hospital.
I would be absolutely thrilled if you’d join Team Heidi Kassner Yoga this year. Not only will we have fun practicing together, but we’ll be helping children and families at BCH get the care they need when they need it most. Please reach out if you need more information or have any questions.
Register, fundraise, and then practice with us on May 4, 2025! Every donation supports the Every Child Fund, fueling breakthrough research, family support programs, and services not covered by insurance. With your help, we can make a significant difference in the lives of sick kids and their families.
Thank you so much for supporting my fundraising efforts and for helping the children and families at Boston Children’s and beyond. I can't wait to see you on the field!
In Gratitude,