Registration dates for the 2025 Boston Marathon charity program have not yet been announced by the Boston Athletic Association. Join our email list to stay up to date on Miles for Miracles events and application launch dates.

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Miles for Miracles


Application submissions will be reviewed by the Miles for Miracles staff. When completing the application, give thoughtful attention to your fundraising goal and plan, as we’re looking for runners who will go above and beyond in their efforts. Applicants with personal connections to Boston Children's Hospital and high fundraising goals will receive top consideration. You may be asked to schedule a phone call to discuss your application and program requirements.

Please note: While we value Miles for Miracles alumni, those interested in running still need to apply and complete the application in full. You will receive a phone call to discuss your application. Alumni aren't given priority, nor are they accepted automatically.

Accepted runners must:

  • Commit to raising a minimum of at least $7,500
  • Submit a non-refundable $150 administrative fee and a credit card number upon acceptance to the team
  • Pay the $375 race registration fee charged by the Boston Athletic Association

Already have a race entry?

If you've already earned entry to the marathon another way (such as meeting the designated time standard shown on the BAA website) you can still join our team:

  • Show proof of registration from the Boston Athletic Association
  • Apply to the Miles for Miracles team by selecting “own entry” as your registration type
  • Commit to raising a minimum of $2,500

Team Benefits

As a member of the Miles for Miracles team, you help sick children receive lifesaving care. You’ll enjoy other benefits such as:

  • Access to team coaches
  • Customized training program and group runs
  • Personal fundraising webpage on Boston Children's site
  • Dedicated training and fundraising emails
  • Team events
  • Expert fundraising advice
  • Team singlet (runner's shirt)
  • Opportunity to partner with a Boston Children's patient for inspiration