Fundraiser ideas
When you organize an event benefiting Boston Children's, you help children and families—here and around the world—find lifesaving answers. Here are just a few inspiring event ideas. Whatever you do—make sure it’s fun!
- Art show: Join together with classmates, colleagues or friends to create pieces of art to "sell" at an art show.
- Benefit concert: Know a talented band or performer? Invite them to perform and charge an entrance fee.
- Birthday celebration: Have your cake and help kids, too. Fundraise in honor of your birthday on Facebook, or by registering with us.
- Car wash: Host a car wash and charge a small amount as a donation.
- Comedy night: Ask a comedian to donate their time and plan an in-person or virtual comedy night.
- Coming of age celebration: Mark your big day with generosity. Have guests donate for a bar/bat mitzvah, communion, quinceañera or sweet 16.
- Company picnic or BBQ: Celebrate by throwing a company BBQ, picnic or potluck. Invite colleagues to make a small donation in order to participate.
- Concert or school play: Is your school band, orchestra or choir putting on a performance? Ask for a small admission fee or donations from the audience during intermission.
- Dress down (or up) day: Talk to your school or HR department to set a day to dress casually or creatively and ask participants to donate to your cause.
- Fitness class: Reach out to your favorite fitness instructor and organize a class at your local gym, park or spot of choice. Don't forget to encourage donations.
- Gala: Recruit some friends to help plan and host an evening of food, music and great company.
- Golf Tournament: Swing into action for a "hole" lot of good by hosting an indoor or outdoor golf outing. Enjoy your favorite pastime and support kids while benefiting the hospital.
- Ice cream social: Ask friends or colleagues to gather and indulge in delicious cold treats, in exchange for donations.
- Lemonade stand: Tried and true! Host a stand in your neighborhood or at a school sports game.
- Motorcycle or car ride: Hit the road and gather pledges per mile. Destination? Generosity.
- Paint night: Organize a paint night with friends! Many studios will partner with you and donate a portion of the class fee.
- Pancake breakfast: Host breakfast in the school cafeteria for a small donation. Ask the principal and teachers to serve.
- Pickleball: Grab your paddles, rally your friends and family, and organize a community pickleball tournament.
- Silent auction: Collect prizes for a workplace auction: gift certificates, baskets, sports tickets, lunch with your company's president, a great parking space or a one-week vacation. Suggest a minimum starting bid and watch the excitement begin!
- Talent show: Show off your talent and wow your supporters! Charge at the door and sell tickets in advance.
- Walk, hike, run, roll or bike: Participate in any in-person or virtual race or cycling event, or choose your own challenge and support Boston Children's along the way.
- Wedding: Celebrate your special day by providing hope to kids. Donate in lieu of favors, or ask for donations in lieu of gifts.
- Yard sale: Ask the community to donate items for a yard sale at your school or home.