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Support Tenacious Grace

Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital

Sunday, June 9, 2024 | -249 Days to Go!

Donations support:

Raised So Far: $4,088.00

Fundraising Goal: $3,500.00

Why We Walk

Team Roster Amount Raised

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Walk - Jun 2024

Tenacious Grace

Our team is participating in the Eversource Walk for Boston Children’s Hospital on June 9.

Boston Children's Hospital has been a very important part of Grace's life and story.  Grace was born without a spleen. This is a condition that makes her vulnerable to certain encapsulated bacteria. It's also not a condition that is diagnosed in pre-natal screenings. In Grace's case it was not diagnosed until she became rapidly and critically ill at the age of 2. 

BCH saved Grace's life and helped us to understand and treat her underlying condition.  If Grace gets a fever, we go to the the ED or Urgent Care for immediate assessment, blood work and antibiotics. This has made for an ongoing relationship with BCH and its providers and services!

But beyond just the medical care, the hospital has helped find ways to celebrate Grace's unique story. With opportunities  like the Walk, and to partner with Marathon runners, and engage with other patients and families, BCH has found ways to both empower Grace, and to make being a BCH patient something to be proud of, and, to even enjoy sometimes!

When Grace was at her sickest, the most common reassurance I received was, "You are at the right place by being at BCH".  I understand now how true that was.  We needed to be at BCH that day and  for all of the many days that followed. We are so lucky it just happened to be the closest hospital to us at our critical moment. But we believe it's also our job to help ensure EVERY child has access to the resources and care our family continues to benefit from. Please join us and Walk for BCH! 


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