Save the 2025 date — June 8 at the DCR Hatch Shell.

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Boston Children's Hospital | Eversource Walk for kids

Frequently asked questions

Jump to section: Registration | Fundraising | Teams | Fundraising Center | Walk Day | Volunteers


Is there a registration fee?

No! We hope you will make a donation to your own fundraising during registration to show your commitment to helping kids at Boston Children's Hospital.

My whole family is participating. Does everyone have to register?

Yes! Every member of the family is an important part of the Walk community, so we require that everyone registers. This includes kids!

Can I register on Walk Day?

There will be NO registration on event day. We require all participants to register online by 3 pm on Friday, June 7, in order to enjoy the festivities. Registering in advance also gives you time to fundraise, so you'll have more to celebrate on June 9.

Can I invite people to join my team?

Yes! Ask your friends and family to join you and encourage them to share on social media why they are walking for Boston Children's Hospital using #WalkforBCH.

Do I have to participate at the Walk route in Boston or can I create my own route elsewhere? Do I have to commit to a location in order to register?

We'd love for you to join us at the DCR Hatch Shell to enjoy our route along the Charles River, but you're also welcome to create your own Walk route, of any distance, in any location. Please let us know when you register where you plan to participate. If you change your mind before event day, just let us know by emailing us at

Will I receive an Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital T-shirt with my registration?

All participants who raise $150 or more will receive a Walk T-shirt. T-shirts will be available for pick up on Walk Day. Raising funds is vital to helping kids and families. Earning your Walk T-shirt is a special achievement to wear proudly wherever you are on Walk Day.

Note: Virtual participant who raise $150 or more will receive their T-shirt in the mail.

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Do I have to fundraise for the Walk?

No, but we ask that each participant raise at least $250. Fundraising shows your commitment to helpings kids and families Boston Children's Hospital. Every dollar provides lifesaving care, support services, and breakthrough research to patients and their families.

All participants who raise $150 or more will receive a Walk T-shirt on Walk Day. Virtual participants will receive their T-shirt in the mail.

How do I fundraise for the Walk?

Once you register, you’ll have access to your own Fundraising Center which has a bunch of tools to help make fundraising easy, including suggested messages and templates for email and social media. We would love to hear about your successes and creative ideas!

Where does the money go?

If your team is not designating to one of the funds below, dollars raised for the Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital go to the hospital's Every Child Fund—bringing lifesaving answers to the sickest children, many with nowhere else to turn. Every dollar funds vital care and support services for our patients and their families—especially those enduring long hospital stays—and fuels research into treatments and cures that save lives.

Can I designate my fundraising to a different area of the hospital?

Only team captains can designate their team's fundraising to one of the areas below. Unless the team captain chooses one of these funds, dollars raised through the Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital will benefit the hospital's Every Child Fund. Fundraising designations cannot be changed once a team is registered.

  • Every Child Fund
  • Behavioral Health Patient Care
  • Caroline Bass Fund for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Celiac Support Group
  • Children's Activities Fund
  • Christina Capozzi Foundation for Heart Research
  • Congenital Myopathy Research
  • Down Syndrome Program Research
  • Heart Center Urgent Needs
  • Immunology Research Fund
  • Keeping the Beat
  • Medical-Legal Partnership Program Fund
  • Michael B. Millis Hip Research Fund
  • Milagros para Niños
  • Nursing Fund
  • Pediatric Cancer Research
  • Pediatric Research
  • Transplant Center Urgent Needs
  • Urgent Needs

Learn more »

How is the list of funds determined?

Each year our team thoughtfully evaluates the interests and impact of funds raised by Walk participants, as well as the hospital's greatest needs and where funds can make the most significant difference for patients. Additionally, at minimum, to ensure that funds may be eligible for consideration and inclusion on the list, team captains must share a history of fundraising success and/or a plan to fundraise $10,000 or more.

What is the suggested fundraising minimum?

The suggested fundraising minimum for all adults (13 and older) is $250. Adults are asked to meet the minimum by July 1. Log in to your Fundraising Center to check out tips and tools to help you kick-start your fundraising!

What are Miracle Makers?

Miracle Makers are a special group of adults (age 13 and older) who raise $1,000 or more and kids (age 12 and under) who raise $500 or more! Along with many thanks from Boston Children's, participants who achieve Miracle Maker status by May 10 will receive a Miracle Maker star displayed on Walk Day, a Miracle Maker T-shirt and more.
Learn more »

How do I learn more about matching gifts?

Many companies offer matching gifts for their employees who give to nonprofits like Boston Children's Hospital. Increase the impact of your donation by applying for your company to match your gift now.
View our matching gift guide »

Where do I send donations?

Please encourage supporters to donate online through your personal fundraising page. If donors prefer to write a check, make checks payable to Boston Children's Hospital and mail them along with this form to the following address:

Boston Children's Hospital Trust
Attn: Gift Services/Walk
401 Park Drive, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02215
Boston Children's Hospital's Tax ID number: 04-2774441

Please include a note clearly identifying the Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital participant that the donation should be credited to. Allow 7-10 business days for the check donation to be reflected on your personal fundraising page.

If you have any questions, please contact or 866-303-WALK.

Will donors who give by check appear on my personal fundraising page?

Yes. Our gift processing team will add donations received in the mail to your personal fundraising page. Offline donations may take 7-10 business days to be reflected on your page.

Do you send acknowledgement letters for contributions?

Yes. Boston Children's Hospital acknowledges all gifts of $250 or more and sends receipts for these gifts per IRS guidelines. All online gifts will receive an automatic receipt.

Can I create a Facebook Fundraiser for the Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital?

Unfortunately, no. Because of technical changes that Meta (Facebook's owner) has made to Facebook Fundraisers and payment processing, Facebook Fundraisers are no longer compatible with our fundraising systems. Any funds raised through a Facebook Fundraiser will not count toward your fundraising efforts.

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How do I form a team?

Team captains create a team during the registration process. Simply click register and select the "Start a Team" option.

How do others join my team?

All team members must register. During registration, people can join your team by searching for and choosing the team's name. Or they can join your team directly from your team page. Log in to your Fundraising Center to see more options for recruiting teammates.

If I register before my team captain, can I still join our team?

Yes. Once your team captain has registered, go to your personal fundraising page and click the "Join a Team" button. You won't have the option to join the team until the team captain has registered.

Can I start a company team?

Yes! The Eversource Walk for Boston Children's Hospital is a wonderful opportunity for employees to gather outside of the office. Email to learn about the special benefits of creating a company team.

Will there be a Walk T-shirt and fundraising rewards?

Participants who raise $150 or more will receive a Walk T-shirt on Walk Day, and virtual participants will receive theirs in the mail. Participants who reach Miracle Maker status will receive additional rewards. Teams that raise $2,500 or more by May 10 will receive a special team display check on Walk Day.

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Fundraising Center

What is a Fundraising Center?

To help you fundraise, everyone who registers for the Walk will receive access to their own Fundraising Center—a personal fundraising website. Here you will find all of the tools you need to meet (and exceed) your fundraising goal and track your progress. You can customize a fundraising page, access helpful resources, send emails to donors and more.

How do I get a Fundraising Center?

Your Fundraising Center is automatically created when you register for the Walk. Once registered, you will receive an email with the link to access your Fundraising Center and your login credentials. You can always access the Fundraising Center by visiting the Walk homepage and clicking "Log in".

Can I personalize my page?

Yes, we hope you will! The more personal your page, the more funds you're likely to raise. You can customize it several ways:

  • Your fundraising page will contain a generic photograph. We urge you to upload your own photo or even create your own mini gallery!
  • Your fundraising page will also include a general message about why people participate in the Walk. We encourage you to replace this message with your own personal statement. Tell your story and explain why you fundraise for kids at Boston Children's.

How do people donate to my page?

Your personal fundraising page has a donate button that ensures all gifts are attributed to your personal total. There are many ways to share your page. We recommend posting a link to your page on social media, or sharing it with friends and family via email.

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Walk day

I can't join at the DCR Hatch Shell. What should I do?

You can choose your own route elsewhere—any distance, any time, in any location. Be sure to register before the deadline on Friday, June 7 at 3 pm.

What time should I arrive at the DCR Hatch Shell?

All participants are welcome to start their two- or six-mile walk between 9 am and 10:30 am. You'll have time to enjoy food, more activities and live entertainment once you cross the finish line.

How long is the event? What is the schedule?

  • 9:00 am - 10:30 am: Rolling start
  • 10:00 am: Speaking Program/message from our CEO
  • 10:30 am: Food Tent opens
  • 11:00 am: Live entertainment, family-friendly activities and more

How do I get to the DCR Hatch Shell?

The Walk starts and ends at DCR Hatch Shell. Getting there is easy. You can take public transportation, or park nearby. The Boston Common Garage is a short walking distance to the event. City parking meters are free on Sundays. There are metered spots available along Cambridge Street, Charles Street and other surrounding streets. From there, head to the corner of Beacon and Charles streets and then toward David G. Mugar Way to the Hatch Shell lawn. View Map.

What is the Walk route at the DCR Hatch Shell?

The route runs along the scenic Charles River. The two-mile route keeps you on the Storrow Drive side of the river (both there and back), while the six-mile route takes you across to the Memorial Drive side of the river and back over the Mass. Ave. bridge. There are two water stops along the route to keep you hydrated. Be sure to bring a reusable water bottle!

What security measures are in place at the DCR Hatch Shell?

Participant safety is a high priority. Security personnel and police officers are present throughout the property and along the Walk route.

Can I push a stroller or use a wheelchair?

Absolutely—this is a family-friendly event. We welcome participants of all abilities to join us and use their medical assistance equipment.

Can I jog, skateboard, rollerblade or bring a scooter?

For everyone’s safety, we ask that you don't jog, rollerblade, skateboard, scoot or bike.

Can I bring my dog?

We love dogs, but unfortunately, pooches are not allowed to participate in the Walk. Service dogs are welcome.

What happens if it rains?

We won’t let bad weather rain on our parade—the Walk will happen rain or shine! Keep an eye on the forecast in the days leading up to the event and plan to bring a rain jacket or boots if necessary.

Can I bring donation checks to the DCR Hatch Shell?

Yes. You can drop them off at the Check-In Tent.

Anything else I need to know if I’m joining at the DCR Hatch Shell?

  • Every individual looking to participate in the Walk must be registered by 3 pm on Friday, June 7. There is no on-site registration.
  • We encourage you to stay hydrated before, during and after the Walk by bringing your own water bottle. (We'll have plenty of water, too!) Dress according to the day's weather and don't forget your sunscreen and hat to cover up.
  • Please leave large bags, backpacks and valuables at home unless they are completely necessary. There will not be a storage/locker area for these belongings.
  • There will be lots of people, so pick a place to meet your teammates in advance. One option: Meet at the Team Photo Area and get your complimentary team photo once everyone on your team has arrived.
  • Bring your camera or smartphone so you can share more photos! Use our hashtag, #WalkforBCH.

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Where do I park?

Registered participants and volunteers can park at the Boston Common Garage. The Boston Common Garage is a short walking distance to the event. City parking meters are free on Sundays. There are metered spots available along Cambridge Street, Charles Street and other surrounding streets. From there, head to the corner of Beacon and Charles streets and then toward David G. Mugar Way to the Hatch Shell lawn. View Map.

What time do I need to get there?

Most volunteers are asked to arrive between 7 and 8 am, but arrival times depend on your assigned volunteer role. Be on the lookout for an email from our team a week or so before the event. It will outline your role and important event details such as requested arrival time and directions.

What time should I expect to be finished?

Depending on your assigned area, you can expect to be finished around 2 or 3 pm. However, we ask that volunteers be flexible if we need you a little bit longer. Be sure to register early before your desired job fills up!

What does each job entail?

  • Most Needed: Help us out wherever you're needed the most! We will assign you appropriately and let you know your assignment in an email before Walk Day.
  • Cheer Team: Keep our participants on track and cheer them on along the route.
  • Food and Beverage: Help set up our food and beverage tent at the finish line and distribute food and beverages throughout the event.
  • Water Stops: You will be stationed at one of our water stops along the route and help distribute snacks and water to our awesome participants while cheering them on!

Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer?

Yes, age 16 or older.

Is there a fundraising minimum for volunteers?

We do not require volunteers to fundraise for the event, but we do encourage it! Once you register, you'll receive access to your own Fundraising Center with tips and tools to make fundraising easy. Some companies will make a donation on behalf of the hours you volunteer. Search here to see if your company has a volunteer reward program.

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