About Fundraise Your Way
A lifesaving lemonade stand. A birthday dedicated to helping kids. A road race that speeds discoveries into cures. No matter how you fundraise, you help deliver lifesaving care to kids. Direct your gift to our Every Child Fund, which funds world-class medical care, research breakthroughs, and vital support services for sick kids and their families. Or, support a program or specialty you care deeply about.
When you know how you’d like to fundraise, register online.
Once your fundraiser is registered, we can:
- Offer advice on event planning and rallying your network
- Help determine which area of the hospital to support—whether it's the Every Child Fund or a hospital department that's meaningful to you
- Send resources to help with your event planning and execution
- Provide logos for your marketing materials
- Write an endorsement letter to validate the authenticity of your event. You can share it with companies or organizations when asking for support.
- Send banners, balloons and other promotional items based on your event type (item maximum applies)
- Provide a fundraising page to collect online donations and access to our Fundraising Center to get tips, tools and more
We cannot:
- Guarantee attendance of patients, staff or volunteers at your event or planning meetings
- Provide mailing lists or solicit donors, businesses or vendors for support
- Promote your fundraiser at the hospital, satellite locations or on social media
- Provide Boston Children's Hospital stationery or create marketing materials
- Financially support or reimburse you for expenses
- Endorse fundraisers with a gambling element (excluding raffles or auctions), or those sponsored by alcohol or tobacco companies
Questions? Contact our team at 617-919-6414 or events@chtrust.org.