Send Your Valentine

Make this Valentine's Day extra special for the kids at Boston Children's Hospital by sending them a virtual valentine. Choose your favorite design, write a message and send! All the kind words will be displayed on screens in the hospital for all children and families to enjoy. Help us reach our goal of 20,000 messages!

Step 1: Select your valentine

Step 1: Select your valentine

Step 2: Sign your name!

Step 2: Sign your name!
If you respond and have not already registered, you will receive periodic updates and communications from Boston Children's Hospital.
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You’ll receive periodic updates from Boston Children’s Hospital. You can unsubscribe any time.

Beginning on February 10, patients and families will see the virtual valentines on the hospital's closed-circuit TV network, Channel 19 The Hub, broadcast from Seacrest Studios.

Note: For our patients' safety, we can only accept digital messages. We cannot accept any physical or handmade cards or valentines. Due to the number of submissions, we're also unable to hand deliver messages to specific patients.