Thatcher's 10th Birthday Fundraiser
For my birthday this year I have decided to fundraise for Boston Children's Hospital NICU. I have learned this year what premature babies are, and the struggle they face. I would like for premature babies to have the chance to be healthy and strong when they grow up. Please help me meet my goal of $250 by July 10th.
I am so happy that so many people are helping me support premature babies. Thank you for the continued donations!
I am so excited by all the money I haven raised, this has been the best birthday month ever!
Thank you!
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Auntie Steph and Uncle Matt
Bill and Ann Pacheco
Brian Carter
Christina Lyons
Family Birthday Party
From Addie and Zophe
Grammy and Grampy
Grampy and Sharon
Great job Thatcher - Gary Hall
Happy birthday from Freddy !
Happy Birthday Love John & Grace Hill
Jeff & Lisa Richard
Jeff Lemieux
Joy E Azar
Karen Lemieux
Kathleen Cogliandro
Mom and Dad
Mrs. Allison Wegman
Patrick Madden
Paula Hansel
Schocklin Family
The Bilello Family
The Kerr Family
The Murzycki Family
The Pirrotta Fam
Uncle Mike and Auntie Melissa
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