Triston's Birthday Wish
In lieu of birthday gifts, Triston would like you to consider making a donation to Children's Hospital. It is Triston's wish to give back to Children's Hospital after what he went through this past November.
This past November Triston was admitted to Children's Hospital with abdominal pain, gallstones and an infected gallbladder. With the excellent technology Children's Hospital has, he was diagnosed and admitted into the hospital within the first hour of arriving in the emergency room at Children's. It was determined he needed to have his gallbladder removed due to the infection he had. We were at Children's Hospital for 4 days waiting for the infection in his gallbladder to come down and have surgery. Once Triston had surgery, he was one happy kid! He was finally able eat food for the first time in 4 days and was able to go home! I think the toughest part for Triston was after his surgery, where he was not allowed to play during gym class or play sports for 2 weeks!
Looking at Triston now, you would never know he had surgery and no longer has a gallbladder. The reminder we have are three small scars on his stomach.
Children's Hospital was there to help us through this scary and stressful time. Since then, Children's Hospital has a very special place in our hearts. We are so fortunate to be so close to Boston Children's Hospital!
Please consider donating to Children's Hospital. It is Triston's wish to give back to the kids who are currently at Children's Hospital having surgery and getting the medical care they need.
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