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A note from Neal and Yona Rosenberg:
This is a story with a happy ending. When our daughter was two days old, she was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot. As new parents, we were overwhelmed with what this would mean for our child. Three months later she underwent surgery at Boston Children's Hospital to correct the defect. Today our daughter is a thriving little girl - bright, a little mischievous, and amazingly good-hearted. We were fortunate to benefit from the research conducted at Children's Hospital and at hospitals around the world. It is in this spirit that we have begun supporting the Congenital Heart Valve Center (CHVC) at Children's Hospital. The CHVC is dedicated to the care of children and adults with congenital heart defects that involve absent or poorly functioning heart valves. We hope you will join us in supporting the CHVC to make strides in correcting congenital heart defects, and help other families share stories with happy endings!
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