Game day events
Teams battle for points and glory in events such as football throws, an obstacle course and much more! It's a day filled with camaraderie and fun and fierce battles. End the day with a reception to announce the winners and a celebration with a refreshing drink, barbecue and bragging rights.
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Obstacle Course
Teams of 6 will travel through physical and mental obstacles. Once all members have competed the obstacle course, the team will work together on a final challenge. The top 3 fastest teams in a group will be awarded points.
Football Toss
Teams will consist of 8 participants. Five team members will throw, while three catch at varying designated distances. The 3 teams in a group with the fasted time will be awarded points.
50 Yard Relay
All team members must participate. Pairs of participants will complete a three-legged race out and back 25 yards for a total of 50 yards. The top 3 teams in a group with the fastest times will be awarded points.
Soccer Kicks
Teams will consist of 8 participants. Each team member must kick a soccer ball through 3 separate obstacles, each worth points. The top 3 teams with the most points at the end of their 8 turns will be awarded points for the round.
Backyard Relay
Teams will consist of 8 participants. Team members, in pairs, will compete in a series of backyard game challenges including cornhole and ladder golf. The top three fastest teams to complete the relay will be awarded points.
Teams will consist of 6 participants. Teams will have 3 minutes to compete in a bracket-style volleyball game. The team with the most points at the 3-minute mark will move onto the next round. The top 3 scoring teams will be awarded points.
Hula Hoop
Teams will consist of 10 participants. Each team will be given 1 hula hoop and participants must stand in a line holding hands with their arms and elbows fully extended. Once time starts, the hula hoop must make its way down and back the line of participants, without touching the ground, 3 times in a row. Once completed, the team must transfer water from one bucket to another using only a sponge passed down their line of teammates. The top 3 fastest teams will be awarded points.
Red Light Green Light
Teams will consist of 8 participants. Pairs will participate in a three-legged race using a potato sack to connect their legs. When the light is green, pairs may run forward. When the light is red, they must stop immediately, or they are out. Pairs will earn points depending on how close to the finish line when they are disqualified. The top 3 teams in a group will be awarded points.
Boston Children’s Hospital values gender diversity. Teams should be composed of people representing a mix of gender identities with no more than half of a team representing one gender in order to maintain equity and inclusion in the competition. This should be true for the team as a whole as well as any smaller groups put together for specific events.